Concluding Remarks

2003-10-27 17:12

The 43 years from 1951 - 1994 illustrate a short span of time in history. Yet during this time, Tibetan women have completed an historic leap from being slaves to masters of the country.

A profound change has occurred regarding the status of Tibetan women in politics, eonomics, society and culture, as well as in their spirtual outlook. These changes stem from the peaceful liberation of Tibet and the Democratic Reform, the building of the socialist material and spiritual civilization and from the economic reform and open-door policy to the world. The changes also come from the efforts of the Tibetan women themselves.

Although the changes and progress have been gerat, a gap still exists as compared to the goal Tibetan women want to realize and the requirements in realizing socialist modernization in China. The educational level of Tibetan women in still relatively low, which has created obstacles in the path of women's improved and extensive participation of government and political affairs, and in economical construction and social development.

Notable results have been achieved in women's and children's health service in Tibet. However, the network is not latrge enough. Remnants of the feudal idea of regarding men as superior to women still prevail in some places. Shortcomings and problems also exist.

These problems are mainly caused by Tibet's history and geographical conditions, but gradually, they are being solved . A more more prosperous new Tibet will inevitably emerge at the root of the world; the Tibetan women are positive of this.